Exact expected cost in the one-dimensional ERAP for a generic translation-invariant cost function

During a recent talk of mine for ALEA Days 2021 (see here for slides), Nathanaël Enriquez asked in which generality one can hope to obtain nice and exact formulas for the expected ground state energy in the one dimensional ERAP in the convex regime for \(n\), \(\sim U(0,1)\) blue and red points.

Here, exact means valid at any fixed \(n\), and nice means that the formula can be written without the explicit use of hypergeometric functions. This question started a discussion involving also Andrea Sportiello. A general argument in this direction can be made based on a connection with generalized Selberg integrals discovered by Caracciolo et al. (see here). In that paper, the authors have shown that the \(k\)-th edge contributes to the total energy through the possibly intimidating expression (see here, eq. 2.4) \[ M_{p,k,n}= \frac{\Gamma^2(n+1)\Gamma(k+\frac{p}{2})\Gamma(n-k+1+\frac{p}{2})\Gamma(1+p)}{\Gamma(k)\Gamma(n-k+1)\Gamma(n+1+\frac{p}{2})\Gamma(n+1+p)\Gamma(1+\frac{p}{2})}. \]

This result allowed the authors to show that, for the usual choice of cost function \(D^p\) for \(D\) euclidean distance, if \(p\geq 1\), \[ E(n) = n\frac{\Gamma \left(1+\frac{p}{2}\right)}{p+1} \frac{\Gamma(n+1)}{\Gamma \left(n+1+\frac{p}{2}\right)}, \] where \(\Gamma \) is Euler’s function.

The question is thus whether one can provide a cost function \(f\) admitting a series representation which plays nicely with the moments, so that a sufficiently simple expression for \(E(n)\) can be obtained via resummation.

As of today, the following cost functions have been considered :

  • \(f(r) =\cosh{r}\)
  • \(f(r) =J_0(r)\) (Bessel function of order 0)