Postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques d’Orsay and member of the ERC Grant "SuPerGRandMa", PI Nicolas Curien. See CV for more.
My research interests are mainly in random geometry, statistical mechanics and random combinatorial optimization problems.
Keywords: ideal Poisson-Voronoi tessellations, massive spanning forests, Gibbs measures/specifications, random assignment problems and extensions. See publications for more details and gallery for an introduction by visuals.
With Luca Ganassali we propose a Master 1 'TER' research subject for Orsay students.
Subject (in French): , application deadline (by email): end of February 2025
12.12.2024 ‣ Séminaire de Proba. et Math. Fi., LaMME, Evry, FR (link)
17.01 ‣ Les Probas du vendredi, LPSM, Sorbonne Université, Paris, FR (link)
27.01 ‣ MathNet Seminar, INRIA-ENS, Paris, FR (link)
29.01 ‣ Conférence annuelle du GDR branchement, Orsay, FR (link)
11.02 ‣ Séminaire du CERMICS, École des Ponts, FR (link)
14.02 ‣ Colloque de Géométrie, LAMA, Créteil, FR (link)
03.04 ‣ Applied Mathematics Seminar, Utrecht University, NL (link)
7-9.04 ‣ WORDS 2025, Groningen, NL
‣ 04.02 to 08.02.2025 ‣ Utrecht University, NL
‣ 30.03 to 06.04.2025 ‣ Utrecht University, NL
‣ 12.02 Seed Seminar: Random geometry and quantum gravity, IHP, Paris
‣ 19.02 Les Probabilités de Demain: Une exploration dans la modélisation actuarielle, IHP, Paris