About me

Postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques d’Orsay and member of the ERC Grant "SuPerGRandMa", PI Nicolas Curien. See CV for more.

Some keywords related to my researches:

See publications for more details and gallery for an introduction by visuals.

Upcoming invitations

‣ 12.11 to 19.11 Münster University, Germany
‣ 24.11 to 30.11 Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Forthcoming events

‣ 16.10 Les Probabilités de Demain: Transport optimal et applications, IHP, Paris
‣ 06.11 Seed Seminar: New trends in QFT, modularity, resurgence, IHP, Paris


The address above was nonfunctional starting 11/08 due to a cyber attack at the Paris-Saclay University.
Although it is now working, please consider that I have lost access to all past conversations.

  (+33) 01 69 15 68 38